Oct 10, 2023

Whenever you’re on the road, your vehicle’s alternator uses the engine’s power to generate electricity for the battery and other components. If an alternator malfunctions, the other electrical parts are never far behind. Here are some common warning signs that your car is in need of immediate alternator repair at your local GMC dealership.  

Does Your Buick or GMC Vehicle Need an Alternator Repair?

Trouble Starting the Engine

Have you tried to turn on your car’s engine and only heard a clicking sound, without a response from the engine? When a car fails to start, unless the starter itself is faulty, the battery may be dead because of a bad alternator. Try jump-starting your car; if the engine keeps going, your alternator is probably fine and your battery might have died for some other reason. 

Repeatedly Dying Battery

The battery depends on the alternator for all of its power. So if your battery keeps failing to recharge properly, either your battery is too old or your alternator is malfunctioning. You may need to have a technician diagnose the problem. 

Faint or Flickering Headlamps

If your vehicle’s headlamps rapidly fade in brightness, your alternator may be to blame. If the light ahead of your car begins to flicker, the supply of voltage may be fluctuating as the alternator dies. 

Problems With Several Accessories

With a failing alternator, all of your car’s electronics will also suffer. Modern cars often have a prioritization system in place in the event of an electrical supply issue. This means your nonessential accessories such as the stereo and heated seats will lose power before the headlamps and spark plugs. 

Smell of Burning Wiring

When the wiring in or connected to an alternator becomes damaged, it can cause resistance to the flow of voltage. This might cause overheating and an electrical fire, in which case you may smell something burning. An overloaded alternator might sometimes also cause burning wiring by pushing excessive voltage through the wires.

Blinking Alternator Light

Some vehicles have an “ALT” warning light that appears on the dashboard when an alternator fault is detected. Alternatively, you may see the battery warning light appear. Neither of these warning lights should be ignored, as the electrical supply is vital to the proper functioning of any modern car. 

Replace Your Alternator at Your GMC Dealer Every Seven Years

Alternators are hardy car components that usually last from 80,000 to 150,000 miles. The average driver will have to replace their alternator about once every seven years. If you’re lucky, your faulty alternator may be repairable with the help of a skillful technician. 

Have your alternator checked, repaired, or replaced today at Casa Buick GMC. We’re a local family-owned dealership dedicated to treating all customers like family.